Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More ways to behave yourself, or not

I just came across this interesting article while I was eating my salad from the Headline Diner (thanx TDMN!) on msnbc entitled Sobriety Test attempts to curb drunk Facebooking.  See part of article below:

As it is, Sobriety Test works for Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and MySpace. (If you're still posting on MySpace, drinking is the least of your problems.) Much like Mail Goggles, the drunk-protecting Gmail tool, users set Sobriety Test for the hours they expect to be under the influence. Any attempt to access the chosen social network during danger time is met with a simple test, such as typing the alphabet backwards (thus protecting social networks from dyslexics as well).

Fail, and not only does Sobriety Test block access to the social network you're trying to get on, it thoughtfully posts this status for you: "(Your name) is too intoxicated to post." Because, you know, that's not embarrassing.

So, now the whole world knows that you also can't spell.  What's better is that this app isn't available on mobile devices.  Well this isn't helping any of us who have our phones permanently glued to our palms on a Saturday night in any fine local drinking establishment. 

Didn't these people who created this app see The Social Network-  this is how this whole fine mess of relentless social networking began.  Be responsible people, at least monitor yourselves. 

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