Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Holiday kitty

My least favorite time of year is coming up.  The holidays.  I'm a total scrooge.  They exhaust me and I just haven't been in the magical Chrismukkah spirit for quite some time now.  But enough about me.  Someone very close to me has already gotten into the spirit.  And you can see her now gracing the cover of a new holiday card brought to you by Paws in the City

Click here!

Look at that face.  That is some serious holiday spirit.  For a mere $75 (no that's not a typo) you can get your own 25 pack of holiday cards with Piper's face smacked on the cover.

Get you some!

What a little stinker

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A little country for your Tuesday

Song of the week... going way back to 1993 here:

Seriously- this is a great break-up song

Haunted house

I've talked about this before, but my recurring dreams are back about big scary empty houses.  According to the world wide web, my life is lacking and I'm searching for something to fill my emptiness.  Well thank you internet for psychoanalyzing me.

I was up for over an hour last night after I woke up in a complete panic and had to turn on all the lights and watch some Oprah to calm down. 

Anyone else having crazy dreams?

Monday, October 4, 2010


In an effort to break my birthday curse, I will be leaving the state and heading west to where my earliest birthdays began.

Some things I'm looking forward to on my vacay to SoCal:

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Pattymac and I went to see The Social Network this afternoon.  It was pretty damn good for a movie that revolves around legal depositions, intellectual property ownership and money.  Definitely a must-see.  Did you know the entire start-up for Facebook was funded by only $1000?!  Now it's a supposed $25 billion dollar empire.  Really?  Really.